Buy a gift card from Banff Beard Co!

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ)

When will I receive my Gift Card?
You will receive an email with your gift card info, soon after your order confirmation email.

Why wasn't I able to choose shipping on my Gift Card?
Banff Beard Co Gift Cards are digital, and you will be emailed your gift card info.

Will I receive a physical gift card?
No, you will not.  Our gift cards are digital and will be emailed to you, saving on shipping costs and enabling you to gift it right away.

Will my gift card expire?
No, your gift card does not have an expiration date.

When is my gift card active?
Your gift card is activated as soon as your payment is approved.  It's almost immediate.

Where can I use my Banff Beard Co Gift Card?
You can use your gift card for all products available in stock and sold while visiting

What if I lost my gift card email?
Contact us with your confirmed order number, and we'll help you out.

Can I re-send my digital gift card?
Yes, you can resend your gift card from your purchase page.  If you've misplaced that, don't worry, we've got your back. Contact us and be prepared with your confirmed order number.

Can I use my gift card on Apple Wallet?
Yes, this is the best place to save your gift card for use.  We are compatible with Apple Wallet

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